Here’s What Dental Implants Should Cost In 2022

A healthy and esthetic smile impacts your health and wellbeing.

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1.How Much Do Dental Implants Cost


2.Affordable Dental Implants



3.How Much Are Dental Implants


4.All On 4 Dental Implants



According to the Mayo Clinic, your oral health significantly contributes to your overall health. Your mouth comes in contact with bacteria that can cause further health complications if your mouth does not have a proper defense system. Research suggests that people with poor oral health have a higher risk of developing certain health conditions. Some of these health risks include:

  • Respiratory Illness
  • Cardiovascular Illness
  • Pregnancy and birth-defects
  • Gum Disease

Your body has many innate defenses. One of your mouth’s natural defense mechanisms is your teeth.

Importance of Teeth

  • Teeth undeniably contribute to your esthetic appearance because they are the focal point of your smile. Additionally, teeth support the integrity and structure of your jaw and facial skin. Your face and smile have social significance and can impact your likability and projected confidence. As a result, teeth influence the mental health of individuals.
  • Teeth have important mechanical purposes for the wellbeing of your health by macerating the foods you eat. Your body digests properly chewed foods easier than improperly chewed foods. Properly nourished bodies have better resilience to sickness and disease.
  • Teeth support appropriate nourishment for bodies. Properly structured and nourished bodies have higher odds of beating the fight against harmful strains of bacteria that cause serious illness.

Dental Implants

Thankfully, modern innovations have enabled dental practitioners to find solutions for individuals with extreme tooth decay and missing teeth. While there are different options available, tooth implants have a greater than 95% success rate and provide people with the best long-term solutions for addressing tooth loss. Dental implants look life-like and can improve speech and jaw integrity. Individuals seeking to receive dental implants can replace one or several missing teeth.

Types of Implant Materials

There are 2 major materials used for most implants: Titanium and Zirconia

Titanium: A durable, non-toxic, and biocompatible material, Titanium can be used for dental implants. Titanium is favored for implant surgeries because titanium fuses with bone during a process called osseointegration. The corrosion resistance of titanium and osseointegration make dental implants strong for everyday dental functions. Titanium implants are not suitable for individuals with titanium allergies or specific autoimmune diseases. Most titanium implants will last 10 years before needing to be replaced.

Zirconia: A durable crystal substance, Zirconia is a suitable substitute for individuals considering a dental implant procedure but have titanium allergies or autoimmune conditions. These implants cost more than titanium implants. Zirconia implants have not been used for implants as long as titanium implants and there is no information available to support if they provide similar long-term results like titanium implants.

Traditional Implantation

Titanium or Zirconia are surgically implanted into the jaw as an artificial tooth root. An abutment connects an artificial tooth crown to the artificial root in the mouth. The traditional implantation method requires 7 phases and months for proper installation. Steps for this method are as follows:

  1. Removing damaged teeth
  2. Jaw Grafting
  3. Implant Placement
  4. Bone Fusing and Healing
  5. Abutment Placement
  6. Teeth Placement
  7. Aftercare

People who choose the traditional implant option do not have artificial teeth until the 6th step. Most individuals have to wait more than one month to see their new teeth installed.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

This procedure is like the traditional implantation method. However, Periodontists install a temporary tooth into the artificial root at the end of the first procedure to provide patients with immediate dental improvements.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

This method for dental implants works best for individuals that have most of their upper and lower teeth missing and but still have significant bone density. The All-on-4 Implants method requires a Periodontist to surgically install 4 titanium plates into the jaw of the patient.

Mini Dental Implants

This procedure is the least invasive dental implant. Mini Dental Implants, the size of a toothpick, can be surgically installed on the bottom jaw to secure dentures. Mini Dental Implants cannot withstand the same pressure and resistance as other implants.

Dental Implant Surgery

The number of surgeries that you will need to replace your missing teeth will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. To get dental implants, you will want to be evaluated by a Periodontist. A professional will need to evaluate your medical history and perform a comprehensive dental examination before prescribing you the best treatment options. Individuals considering dental implants should take into consideration the time and financial commitment necessary for successful dental implant surgery.

As mentioned previously, people who receive dental implants have over a 95% chance of having a positive outcome. Despite this high number, not all individuals are appropriate candidates for dental implants. For instance, candidates for dental implants cannot be frequent tobacco smokers and must have a healthy jaw and surrounding tissue.

Risks of Dental Implants

Like all surgical procedures, getting dental implants can come with inherent risks. Common side effects of dental implant surgery include infection, surrounding nerve damage, jaw injury, and sinus issues.

Choosing the Right Periodontist

Before committing to implant surgery, you will want to research a Board-Certified Periodontist. Make sure your practitioner has the specialized training and a demonstrated track record for performing a dental implant procedure. Ask to view before and after photos of their work to see if their work exhibits a quality procedure.

Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant procedures are not inexpensive. However, they can be cost-effective if you factor in the esthetic, health, and convenience benefits that they offer. Pricing for a procedure will drastically change based on your specific dental needs. If you only need one tooth implant, the average cost for traditional implantation will cost $5,000 before insurance. If your jaw requires specific grafting, then you will pay closer to $6,000. However, if you require more implants or the All-on-4 Dental Implants, expect to pay over $30,000. The best way to discover the price for your dental implant procedure would be to set up a consultation with a Periodontist.