Top 10 Motivational Channels on YouTube Around the World

Many people lack determination and enthusiasm in their lives. Although they believe in the words, “I will,” but they actually never act on them.

This is because they suffer from motivation shortage. Without it, life becomes a meaningless rut in which you are unable to achieve your goals and success.

Motivation can be found everywhere such as motivational quotes, seminars, and books. However, most people prefer to watch motivational videos, and YouTube provides tons of them through various channels.

These channels are a great source of inspiration and motivation for people looking to better their lives and businesses.

Now, let’s take a look at the top 10 motivational channels on YouTube:

1. Be Inspired


Be Inspired is perhaps one of the most popular motivational YouTube channels with 5.1 million subscribers and 80 videos.

It houses some of the greatest inspirational and motivational content where professionals share their self-improvement and self-development journey.

It not only imparts wisdom but also awakens the soul. These experiences help many throughout the world to improve their lives or careers for the better.

2. GaryVee


Gary Vaynerchuk is a Belarusian-American entrepreneur and a bestselling author in the New York Times. He has successfully established two companies, VaynerX and VaynerMedia.

He also possesses a tremendous amount of experience in entrepreneurship and social media marketing. His channel generates many views because of his no-nonsense approach and straightforwardness.

He produces great content where he teaches how to recognize your strengths and overcome your weaknesses to become successful in life. Currently, his channel has more than 2 million subscribers and 2 thousand videos.

3. Mateusz M


Mateusz M is a young Polish video creator with endless devotion for self-development. He is famous for making remarkable motivational content.

His videos are full of emotions and combined with powerful words that ignite the spirit.

It’s all about not giving up, staying strong and following your dreams. “Hero,” “Unbroken” and “Dream” are some of his best inspiring videos.

This channel has 23 videos and 1.25 million subscribers, which continue to grow.

4. Absolute Motivation


Absolute Motivation is another incredible channel that creates video compilations of powerful speeches given by top athletes, celebrities and entertainers. “The Meaning” featuring Jim Carrey, “This Is Why You’re Not Happy” featuring Matthew McConaughey and “The Psychology of the Great” are some of its greatest awe-inspiring videos.

These videos teach how to conquer sadness in your life and be happy.

Thus, if you are feeling depressed and want a strong dose of motivation, check out this channel.

Absolute Motivation is growing at a rapid pace with 67 videos and, as of 2020, 1 million subscribers.

5. Brian Tracy


Brian Tracy is another influential speaker on YouTube with 820 thousand subscribers and 596 videos.

He is a self-made millionaire and the CEO of Brian Tracy International.

His goal is to help individuals understand their true potential and achieve their goals more effectively.

His short videos are phenomenal and teach about achieving success in personal life and business.

He dove into motivation speaking in 1981 and now gives more than 5,000 speeches to tons of people each year.

He is also the author of over 80 books, which are translated into 30 languages. Some of his famous popular books are “The Psychology of Achievement,” “Earn What You’re Really Worth” and “Eat That Frog.”

6. MotivationGrid


MotivationGrid publishes excellent content to boost your motivation by giving words of wisdom and inspiration. These words tell the stories of great legends like Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Keanu Reeves to help you learn from their life struggles.

At this point in time, the channel has reached 747 thousand subscribers and created 42 amazing videos.

7. Tony Robbins


Tony Robbins is an American life coach, entrepreneur, and bestselling author. In 1987, he started his career with his first advertisement, called Personal Power. Now, he is a renowned speaker for Ted Talks and Fortune 500 companies.

Through empowering speeches and thought-provoking quotes, he is able to reach people at a deeper level mainly because of his own chaotic and abusive upbringing.

His channel has 297 videos mostly on interviews with successful people, motivation, and relationships.

He has influenced over 50 million people in 100 different countries.

8. Robin Sharma


Robin Sharma started his career in 1994 with his self-published bestselling book called “MegaLiving.” Now, he is the author of many bestsellers on leadership and self-improvement that have been sold in 96 countries.

One of his famous books, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,” has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.

The same self-growth and leadership building flow in his videos.

They are full of important insights to help individuals utilize their talent to produce great results. His YouTube channel has 486 thousand subscribers and 260 videos.

9. Life Without Limbs


Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs, but he never lost his will and spirit. His unbelievable tale took social media by a storm, which popularized him on YouTube.

His content is a source of mental empowerment, especially for those individuals suffering from similar conditions. He inspires them to live their lives to the fullest despite having no limbs.

10. Qasim Ali Shah


Qasim Ali Shah is known for his motivational speaking, entrepreneurship and corporate training. He has also published multiple bestsellers and also co-wrote the popular book series, “Unchi Uraan, Apni Talash”

His YouTube channel is dedicated to training educators, entrepreneurs, determined professionals and corporate leaders. His videos enable them to enhance their achievements to meet their personal and professional objectives. He belongs to Pakistan.


Although YouTube came to the scene in 2005, its enormous success has made it the third best search engine. It is home to all types of content, and motivational channels are some of the most viewed and subscribed.

These channels are helpful at motivating people toward improving their lives as well as business.

You can benefit from the motivational channels mentioned above as they can be life-altering in a positive manner. Get inspired and learn from them to gain new heights in every aspect of your life.